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When Mr. and Mrs.
Mushroom met many many years ago, in the middle of the forest, and when
they saw each other, they both stopped, and stared, and couldn't say a
word. It was love at First Sight. That's how it happened! It only took 10
minutes, and they were completely, absolutely in love. Oh, how
romantic. |
Mr. Mushroom was certain he was looking at an apparition, or maybe he was
dreaming, so he pinched himself. (Ouch, that hurt!) He was awake, so he
decided to try to find out the lovely lady's name. He introduced himself,
hoping that she would say her name. And she did... Her name was Bella Rosa
de la Champignon, from a very fine family of Mushrooms. |
And the rest is history... Mr.
Mushroom and Miss Bella Rosa started dating, and only two weeks later Mr.
Mushroom proposed.
They got married and are VERY BUSY looking after Bella Rosa's 19 orphaned
cousins, little Baby Mushrooms.
The complete Mushroom Love Story will be posted here in the near future. |
The Mushrooms love to go for
long walks in the forest, and often come across someone in need of help.
Usually it is this golden-haired Troll, Pompelo.
Pompelo is very curious about everything, and likes to climb up trees and
rocks and hills. Here he's gotten stuck on a tree branch. Before rescuing
him, Mr. Mushroom is giving Pompelo a stern lecture about hiking and
climbing trees alone. |
Bedtime is a big challenge in
the Mushroom household. Can you imagine putting 19 little Mushroom
children to bed without missing any? This is how it goes:
One of the parents rings the bell, so the little Mushrooms know it's time
to start getting ready. When everyone is accounted for, it's snack time.
Then some little Mushrooms head for the bathroom for teeth-brushing and
face-washing, others go put on their pj's, and another group puts away
their toys and other stuff. When everyone has completed this routine, it's
time for another count.
Anybody can count to 19, right? Well, more often than not, parents realize
that something strange is going on when they keep counting to 23, 24...27,
hey! wait a minute! Those little Mushrooms sure are quick on their feet,
and they love to be counted many times! It's enough to make the parents
laugh, too. |
Under the branches of
this ancient evergreen tree the Mushrooms find a comfortable spot to talk
about anything at all. Little Mushrooms can ask questions, or tell Mama or
Papa Mushroom what is on their minds.
This little Mushroom - looks like Joey, could be Harry - wanted to ask
Papa if it would be okay to color his hair... purple? Papa didn't think it
would be a good idea, so he told a silly story about what could happen.
When we find out what exactly that story was, we will publish it here!
Mrs. MUSHROOM-Small Troll
Mr. MUSHROOM - Small Troll
$9.00 Each
$7.00 each