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- leader of Trolldom |
TRUMPETNOSE became the leader of Trolldom a long
time ago, and as soon as we find out exactly how it all happened, we will
tell you. We do know that Trumpetnose did not seek the leadership role and
really had no ambition to be a leader of... well, anything. As a young
poet, all he wanted to do was write poems, think about things and travel a
little. But, as they say, 'you have to do
what you have to do', and so that was that.
According to Trumpetnose's own personal Code of
Poetic Conduct, more words are not necessarily better. Sometimes a single
word is all you need, but of course you can't really make a poem out of
one word. In any case, his favorite word is a simple one: THINK. It is
also his favorite thing to do, and he recommends this activity highly.
Trumpetnose is good at
solving problems and finding solutions to difficult situations. He can
also help when the Muksu-Trolls need a new Very Scary Ghost story quickly.
Here are Red Peppa and Trumpetnose talking about that.
"Yo, Trumpetnose!" Red Peppa called out when he saw Trumpetnose.
"Ah, Red Peppa, good to see you. How is everything?" replied
"You hafta help me - I need a Really Scary Story to tell tonight. Do
you know any?"
"Well, there is a story about the Itsy Bitsy Spider..." said
"Nah, we've heard that one before. Sorry." said Red Peppa.
"Well, in that case, let me tell you about the Little Troll Who Got
Red Peppa listened very carefully, and it was such a Scary Story that
half-way through, his hair was already standing on end, which is the
purpose of the scary stories...
"I'm really scared now, can you take me home, please?" Red Peppa
asked, and Trumpetnose was happy to do just that. |
A Poet's job is never done...
And sometimes it is difficult to get a hold of a Poem. Sometimes all the
words get stuck - the dreaded Writers' Block - and in Trumpetnose's
case, it's really painful. You see, he stores his unfinished poems in his
nose, where they simmer and mumble until they are ready. But if he gets
Writers' Block, it results in a huge nose ache! Brisk walks help, and he
calls these his 'Brain Fresheners'. Also highly recommended activity, he
Trumpetnose is not very practical, and sometimes
forgets to eat, can't find pencils and paper, or forgets what he was
supposed to do next. Murriboy is his good friend and also an excellent
assistant. Click HERE to read more about
Murriboy and his wife, Miss Merri.
More Trumpetnose
information and Poems, CLICK
This Trumpetnose is approximately
9" tall and comes with a booklet about Trumpetnose.
$19.00 each
Here you see Trumpetnose with his good friend